The World Wide Scene

Pilot space merges the world wide web with virtual and augmented reality.
Taking WWW to the next level which is WWS.

DSS Pilot Space

Pilot Space is a program which uses SVAD  to scan and recognize the real world in real time via smartphone and overlay the scanned space with virtual 3D shapes.

DSS Pilot is currently under development and will be available second half of 2023 .


While developing 2D visual recognition we also had a 3th party project for which we did some work on ARcore and ARkit related AR (augmented reality) mobile apps.

As side effect of this development we were able to replace the ARcore and ARkit scan logic (which search SIRF features points) by DSS curved edge scanning.  The result was that we were not only able to detect horizontal and vertical surfaces but also the color and shape and exact dimensions and location of any object in the visual range.

This means that it became possible to scan in real time any room inside buildings and even outside buildings, roads, cars  and anything that did not have to irregular features.

To share this with the world we designed a new protocol on top of the existing WWW HTTP protocol that fuses a webserver+webbrowser with a sceneserver+scenebrowser.

The effect of this is that you can share a local environment in VR and AR as if it were a website and having WWS portals that act as WWW links, we were able to merge all these separate 3D rendered environments into a single worldwide environment that overlays the real world and is visible on either smartphone screen or wearable goggles.

As you may understand, this is an elaborate development and although preliminary tests were promising.  It will take us several years to iron out all the glitches and performance issues that occur on divers hardware.


Tab views

Pilot space is a mobile app that has tab-view widget as main GUI.

Each tab is either a webview or a sceneview where the webview is rendered by the internal webbrowser and the sceneview is rendered by the internal scenebrowser (a scene browser is a generic game engine except that it does not run game and does not use distributed scene descriptions).

Next to the internal web-browser and scene-browser the app also contains an internal web-server and scene-server to be able to host the local real-world environment encrypted peer-to-peer.


The scanned environment is not static.
Meaning that, if you own the scene you can add shapes to it that are not real.
Think not only of virtual advertisement as Formula scripting is provided to animate the drawn shapes.

By sharing such shapes and animations with friends you can have endless variations on things to build and try out and you can share the constructed scenes with a restricted group of friends or even the entire world.


Pilot space is fused with the desktop pilot product meaning that you can program the virtual environment by demonstrating the movements rather than having to program these like this is done in a game.

Legal consideration

Pilot Space does not control your privacy.
If you share your living room or bath room with the entire world then we will not stop you as we do not monitor your content (it is not going via our servers, the connection is direct from publisher to viewer).

Hosting scenes

Given the restricted computing power and battery capacity of mobile devices, you might want to run the scene on a desktop system.

We will licence the software for this but not host this ourselves (as the required computing capacity is beyond what a single data center can provide).

This solution will be similar than running a local webserver and the network configuration identical (and even shared) with that of the webserver.

Google search

Searching the WWS for local or specific scenes is via google search or other existing WWW search engine.

Only difference is that the app will probably also have a map that shows nearby public scene locations and let you physical or virtual visit them.

VR versus AR

This will be difficult to grasp but it will all become clear once you start using it.

VR is "virtual reality" and it means that all you see is NOT physical present.
This happens if you are at home and visit the scene of a clothing store from your couch in couch potato mode.

AR is "augmented reality" and it means that most of what you see is real and some of it is virtual (is visible but does not physically exist at that location in the real world). 
This happens if you are shopping and visit the clothing store in person as active person in sport mode.

Both scenes will look alike but in VR the clothes and the information displays above it are untouchable while in AR you can touch the clothes but not the information display above them.

Utmost compression

This refers to the method that Pilot Space is sharing shape information.
Utmost indicates that shapes have been decomposed to bare essential features resulting in a data stream which bandwidth requirements do not exceed that of existing WWW pages.

Website and Video streams

Virtual floating displays in VR can be webview and even video views (think of it as a newspaper or big TV floating in space at a fixed location).
Touching these with your smartphone camera will cause them to switch from 3D rendered tabview to 2D tab view that takes over the playing webpage or video stream from the same moment in time that was being shown.

To much to tell

There is simply too many details related to Pilot Space to iterate them here.
Just trust us that it will all feel natural and you will soon forget that the technology did not exist a few years earlier.

Pilot Space has specific requirements for the cameras and computing abilities that is present in existing goggles so it will take maybe 4 to 5 years before the proper hardware is in the stores (there is little that we can do to speed that up given the amount of needed product development and licensing negotiations which will al take time).
