Save your life

DSS Account

Don't let your data and memories get lost!

DSS Account

This is for you.  
This is for everybody .

Account is an email and document manager that originally was directed toward the needs of an accountant.

During talks with our customers we soon became aware that traditional accounting solutions do not cover the needs of a small company, and even less cover the needs  of the individual human person.

So the scope of the Account program was extended, reviewed, and then extended again to really take account of what is going on in your life both professional and private alike.

Today we target every single human as customer.  Everybody has a (family) budget to manage and everybody deserves professional though cheap tools that do this.

Take account of your emails,  photos,  movies,  music,  diary,  income,  expenses,  bills,  taxes,  documents and anything else.
For the first time you will feel in-control, knowing what is happening, what has happened and what is planned.

We wrote this program especially for you and hope you will love it.


File management

Account is a replacement of the default windows file manager.
Its main view always shows the directory tree and file list that your are working on.

The original windows file manager is still there and both can be used at the same time and even together.

Document management

Account is a replacement of the default document and image viewer.

The original programs are still there and can be used together with Account.

Emails are also seen as document as saved in open format (HTML, TXT, PDF, JPG,...) that is understood by other programs.  This means that you do not even need the account program to read your mails.  Other mails programs save your emails either "in the cloud" or local in some unreadable data format.  DSS does not do this because your emails belong to you.

Even more, Account manages all existing view and editing software of any type and brand and makes them work in visual and workflow unison.   Documents that are not understood by the internal document viewer will still be shown in the same way by using your already installed programs as external document viewers.


Account is defaults to the Belgian accounting system but is open an can be configured to correspond any booking post hierarchy and or documents that your local professional or private information needs demand  ( after installation you will have to make a selection of the settings and examples that are provided for your own country ).

Private and professional accounting hierarchy have different structure (the official accounting is dictated by law but your private subdivision of costs types and groups is completely free to alter to your own interests (travel, leasure, food, car, house, energy,gadgets,...)

This might feel strange at first because most accounting programs are very "not user friendly" so nobody uses those unless they were forced by law to publish their cost structure.  DSS Account does most of the heavy work (reading data values from documents and typing those into the bookings of the correct type).

Bills and Payments

Account links the booking of a document with the actual document.

So clicking on any document will show the booking of this document and vice versa.

Also are the bills linked with the payment making it very insightful to track where your money went or came from.

Receiving and Sending documents

Account its a full functional email client which outperforms cloud and competing solutions.

For the first time you will have total control of where your mails are stored and what should happen to them.

Traditionally your emails were locked away inside "the cloud" (meaning somebody else has them and you don't).  Account breaks with that by storing all your data on your hard disk allowing even seamless transition when changing from internet or email provider without losing any data or having to resort to other environments to look them up.

Automated workflow

By having its own mail system, Account can retrieve and send bills and invoices by itself without you having to copy documents around between different environments.

Future product "Pilot" will taken this automation of your workflow to a whole new level but the development was to large to complete it in Account so it will be later available as separate product that integrates with Account.


Account regards both PDF and Image files as being a file with one or more pages in them.

So all images you have are also Account documents and there is no need to convert between any format to be able to book or link any file format.

Images can be imported from any camera. mobile phone or A4 document scanner (many printers have those).

Future product "Eye" will also help you creating and sending such documents by scanning on-the-go anything that contains text and converting it to a highly compressed NATIVE format or image or pdf.


Account allows you to write notes on top of any existing document and this without altering the original document.

This is not only used to pinpoint the location of booked valuta of any document but likewise allows you to put titles or comments on vacation pictures without having permanent changed the original picture.

Note is a drawing and writing document format that competes with office solutions but also works together with them.


Tired of reading.
Account can talk and read.
Not only will a friendly voice remind you of arriving mails (including from who they came) but also of upcoming payments and it will even read aloud text from any other program that you are running at the same time. 
And of course, you can also switch that all off if you don't like being reminded what needs to be done next ;-)

Automatic booking

Account is able to recognize arrived documents and process them without needing manual actions.

So booking documents becomes more fun as N-times typing over the same text and numeric values from one environment into another is something computers should occupy themselves with.

Unlike competing account systems, we do not require the document to have any particular visual or data format for it to be recognized!

Concept 1

The concept of Account is that document are bookable and that documents are files.

Instead of keeping all account data in a database program that is totally separated from the documents that are booked in that database, we merged the database and document directory hierarchy into a single browser.

So bookable periods (quarters and years) are real directories that contain the booked documents  in that period and accounting balance of that booking.

Concept 2

We made accounting so easy to do that it became obvious to also use the program to keep track of the family budget.

To that purpose we augmented the visual recognitions of documents to the point that Account can process even the shop checkout ticket from the greengrocer and analyze graphically expenditures and amount per individual article, article type and store.

Concept 3

Legal requirement for an accountant is to publish the current situation at the end of a given period.

But traditional accounting can not tell you what was the content of your bank account at any given moment in past or future.  Neither can it tell how much of your bank account ended up on the bank account of  supplier or customer at any given moment in time.

Account does all these things.  By clicking on any past or future booking, the historic value of your or others bank account will be shown like it was or will be at that moment in time.


Outside the valuta bookings themselves, you want to take note of other things that happened or need to happen.

So Account includes a diary system that allows you to keep account of food receipts, family events, sport and fitness results, etc...

Data Base

And of course we will have forgotten to add things.

So we added a fully functional database system that takes away the need to start producing tables in spreadsheets.

Unlike similar products (e.g. MS Access) we succeeded in keeping things simple so everybody can use this without getting a headache while trying to figure out how things are done.

So whatever we forgot, you are able to add yourself with forms and graphs and reports exactly like you want them to look like.


The mailing system uses markdown notation to convert the text that you type of beautiful formatted HTML content.

Account reuses the same system for its diary and (because it is already HTML) allows you to upload sections of any diary to a webpage via FTP.

This enables you to create and publish blogs or any other content on the web without that you need to have any knowledge of programming or website design.

History and Forecast

Traditional accounting programs only calculate the situation at the end of each financial quarter.  DSS Account shows the situation before or after every single spending or income and this both in the past and in the future. 

Thanks to a forecast function Account can show you the future evolution taking into account pension and loans and salary that has yet to happen.

Private and Professional

DSS Account has no limitations on the number of accounts you create.
So you can have seperate accounts for different companies in different directories.
So you can have seperate accounts for professional versus private spending.
So you can have seperate accounts for different persons in your household or organisation.
Each account can use a different hierarchical cost structure and different period structure.

However if the additional accounts are not stored on the same computer then those extra computer systems will count as extra users (because they can work concurrently) which is not for free (see extra license and bulk license in the FAQ for details).