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Administrative seat:  (There is no store at this location)

Name:  Digitronic AI-OO-CS-ED Software Solutions BVBA
Address:  Mevrouwhofstraat 29A, 3511 Kuringen, Belgium
Mail:  info@Digitronic.Software
VAT:  BE 0464.040.179

Documents and regulations

Maybe you need an accountant, maybe you can do it yourself, maybe a mix?

But if you want total control and an up-to-date overview before the end of the financial quartal . . . then you might need to do both.

Anyway modern life gets more complex by the day and just having a box paid and a box unpaid bills  does not given you insight in were you spend/earn money and what the effect would be of that extra loan or car or boat house.  Maybe it is all fine and you don't need an overview?  Maybe your future pension and savings cover it all . . . but just in case you want to check that . . .