DSS Account

0 €
Evaluation (max 2 weeks) or Manual update

DSS Account

20 €
license for 1 year (1 computer)
All Features
Free updates
for Microsoft Windows

DSS Account

80 €
permanent license (1 computer)
All features
Free updates
for Microsoft Windows

DSS Account

25 €
extra computer for existing permanent license
All Features
Free updates
for Microsoft Windows

Download & Pricing FAQ

- This program only works on operating system: Microsoft windows 7, 8, 10 or 11
- Payment can not be done via this website but is due AFTER successful installation and evaluation of the program.
- Check the "About -> License" menu option inside the installed program
- The program will work in unlicensed mode but block-you regularly for periods of gradual increasing duration.
- Documentation and data examples will be installed on your computer.
- Options shown here are only for information (you will have to make the choice again inside the installed program) 

Security Warning

Sorry but this is something you should be informed about.

To protect you as customer, the windows operating system will warn you that downloaded software is from an unknown source. Now we as company did go through the certification procedure to sign our software with our digital identity but that is not enough to be a "trusted source".

In windows 7 this message was still normal but in windows 10 it gives the impression that you are installing a virus while the only thing we did not do is pay the extra few thousand dollar to have a digital signature that is immediately trusted. We did not pay the bribe and use the normal digital signature that only becomes a trusted sources after a number of customers have used it.

That such a thing exists (having to pay to be trustworthy instead of being verified) is a sad thing but that is the world we now live in. What was originally invented to protect you has turned into yet another money collection mechanism that only benefits those that actually do nothing for it.

Sorry that this feature is broken and for that we did not pay the bribe but our digital signature is real and our verified identify is real too. Given that this is a yearly recurring cost (for which we get nothing in return) we opted as to not letting you pay for their leisure lifestyle. I myself also have a strict personal problem with that one becomes more trustworthy by shifting a stack of money over the table.

If all goes well (if the documentation is accurate) then this warning goes away after N user installations but for the moment it is what it is (a mess). At that time we will remove this section of the website as this whole situation is embarrassing (Microsoft is actively hiding the content of the digital signature from you, so are you then also no longer trusted to make a proper assessment yourself?). 

Windows 7

This message is accurate and has the correct text.
Also gives easy access to the relevant information that is stored in the digital signature with which the software is signed.

Windows 10

Defender gives warning about unknown source while the identity is verified.

Click [more info] to get the truth.

Windows 10

After clicking [more info] the message remains ominous and there is no method to see the content of the digital signature (like in windows 7).

Unlicensed warning

You will only see this popup message during evaluation of the program.

After download you have all the features (which are finished and released) and you can try them out at your leisure time and convenience.

However for there to be some incentive to not make this evaluation permanent we added a little mascotte that regular reminds you of still being in "evaluation mode".

All purchase related information can be found in the menu "About -> License" and should you have questions or difficulties, or your preferred payment method  is not present, please provide a short description of the problem to us via the contact form on this website.

Popup message

Patiently wait until the time slider  has reached its end (the popup then goes away)


This you will see in the license dialog if the license is valid.

Not OK

This you will see in the license dialog if the license is not valid.