Synthetic Vision And Drawing (SVAD)

What is Synthetic?

Synthetic refers to engineered (constructed by design) which is opposite of evolved by trial and error (darwinism).

However even while being synthetic the by software emulated processes were evolved by Nature and governed by Physic laws.

What is Vision?

Vision is the capture of visual samples and parsing (decoding) of these into its utmost-compact data representation.

What is a Drawing?

Drawing is the generation of visual image (encoding) from utmost-compact data representation of these shapes.

What is it used for?

SVAD is one of the 2 pillars on which DSS established a data link between the world we live in and computer software. One could think of this as SVAD being for vision what SHAS is for sound,  a direct bi-directional translation of visual shape into data tokens.

How it works?

It is no secret that all visual images are made up of surfaces that have curved edges as boundaries and that by describing these curved edges you also have defined the surfaces.

The thing is, although principle sounds simple enough, implementing it in software is a tough challenge. . .

The result can replace existing DCT based algorithms on which now most multimedia software and hardware is based ranging from the smallest JPG image to the most complex MP4 or HEVC stream which are all still only optimized DCT composition variations.

The problem with DCT is that it is great for encoding and decoding but tells the computer very little about the shape of what was encoded.  SVAD is the exact opposite telling nothing else than what the shape was.

Technology enabler?

SVAD is a technology enabler by that it is an algorithm that makes software applications possible that can not run without exact shape information.

By adding parallax differentiation and symmetry assumption and perspective parsing and comparison to already stored generalized shape templates the system is also able to convert the 2D camera samples into 3D giving it an ability beyond what DCT can master.

Existing game hardware and vertice based rendering already exists to visualize such rendered shape data although translation from DSS format to "game engine format" is still required for the scenes that need to be rendered.

Debug captures


Shape closeup

Parsing character shapes

Parsing life sampler

Face original

Face analog shape layer

Face digital shape layer

SVAD data flow diagram

The Fibonacci Star
(tubular sensor grid)

Separating color and shape information layers

FS input