Frequently Asked Questions
about License for DSS Account

Details about price, download and installation

What do I need to know?

- This program only works on computer running operating system: Microsoft windows 7, 8,10 or 11 !
- Payment can not be done via this website but is due AFTER successful installation and evaluation of the program.
- Check the "About -> License" menu option inside the installed program
- The program will work in unlicensed mode but block you regularly for periods of gradual increasing duration.
- Documentation and data examples will be installed on your computer.


- DSS does not use the personal identification of you as customer for any other purpose than to put this data on the invoice that is send to you after each payment. Only obligatory fields are email address and country (VAT differs per country)
- Customers are identified by their email address (that we need otherwise we can not communicate with you).
- Computers on which the DSS Account program is installed are identified by a name that you can choose yourselves (but must be unique in your own household/company/organization)
- Whether a computer has a license is checked by unique ID of hardware components. These ID's are encrypted in the license file and not processed nor analyzed nor stored nor shared. 


- License is assigned per computer system (not per user or company or family)
- All prices are inclusive local VAT and differ per country such that worldwide the total is always the indicated price. This to avoid that customers would select different country than their own for financial benefit.
- We adhere a fixed price policy (meaning that there are no unfair temporary promotions that favor a few lucky winners).
- license can be obtained for duration of one year and prolonged before end of this period.
- The program will remind you when the end of the licensed period approaches.
- It is possible to pay for multiple years beforehand
- license can also be obtained permanently (then there is no end-date). The price for this is equivalent to 4 years and automatic free updates and new features also remain in effect after 4 years.
- One person (identified by email address) can acquire additional permanent licenses which come at a strong reduced price. Use this option if you have additional computers (which may be used by other persons) in the same household or company or organization. The person to whom the used email address belongs is the only person who should do the payments and only person who receives the emails related to these licenses and payments. 

License file?

- During the payment process your computer will create and send (done by the Account program) a license file to DSS.
- This file contains in encrypted binary format unique ID of hardware components in the computer (CPU ID, motherboard ID, bios ID, harddisk ID,network adapter ID) and a unique license ID that contains a checksum of these other ID's.
- The license files also contains the start and end date of the period for which the license is requested/valid.
- After receiving this license file we will provide a payment invitation for the selected amount of that type of license.
- After receiving your payment we will mark this license as valid and send it back to you.
- This file is then stored on your computer and allows to start the program without needing internet access.

Refund and annulation?

- During the first 2 weeks after payment the customer has the right to request a refund. In that case the license is marked as expired and will be canceled during the weekly check for software updates (this might take a few days before it comes into effect).
- When payment was done via credit card and the payment is revoked after obtaining a license file then the same as above (the annulation of payment is also regarded to be a refund).
- Both refund and annulation will cause that a license can not be obtained again for the same computer for a period of at least 30 days. This is because the refund or annulation is for the original amount (which is more than DSS gets from the transaction so the customer can only do this once).
- Licenses are not subscriptions (meaning you are not entitled to a refund of unused periods of the license).
- Acquiring a permanent license for a computer that had previously a temporary license does not entitle refund of the remaining period of the temporary license. 
- Refund is also possible via referrals
- Referral option becomes available 2 weeks after purchase (can not combine full with referral refund)


- After installation the customer is allowed to test the program BEFORE having to pay for it.
- This is limited to max 2 weeks and is NOT freeware! It is encouraged to not prolong this period as the program will at some point automatically de-install itself.
- During evaluation period (and also after a license is expired) the program will at regular intervals display a "Unlicensed" popup message that can not be clicked away. We know this is annoying but that is intentional.

Expired license?

- Licenses that are yearly extended will expire after the given end-date.
- Each extra year shits the end-date 1 year in the future (there is no need to wait till the end of the period before prolonging the period because the extra year starts at the end of the existing period and not at the current date).
- All functionality is still available when a license is expired. But the regular "Unlicensed" popup messages will appear again.

Extra license?

- Licenses that are yearly extended are always "per computer".
- For the first computer system, the full price is due.
- For additional computers the price is reduced because it is likely that the extra computer is:
 of the same person
 shared by persons
 of the same family 
an upgrade of an existing older system that was already licensed
of the same organization inside which persons should be able to communicate via Account note files.

No license?

- To open (view and edit) existing account files, no license is needed.
- If DSS is used to edit a single file (Diary, database, notes, PDF, ...) then no license is needed (as long a no new documents are created). You can send mail attachments in DSS Account specific format to other persons that do not have to pay to view or modify these!

Sell computer?

- If you sell your computer then the buyer of your computer will be able to run the program without having to pay for the already licensed period.
- It does make sense that you wipe personal data from the hard drive and de-install DSS Account

Broken computer?

- if you replace hardware components in your computer then the percentage of hardware recognition will go down.
- Replacing vital components like CPU and motherboard can cause the ID of the computer to get below 50% (meaning that it has become a different computer). In that case you will have to acquire a license for this new computer.
- To prevent this you should refresh your license after replacing a hardware component (to get the recognition back at 100%). This refreshed license will have the same start and end date but have all the new component ID's.
- If the computer breaks down completely and is replaced by a new identical model than this visual identical model will still not be recognized as being the same computer! You will have to acquire a license for this new computer. 

Bulk license?

- companies or organizations with many computers work with permanent licenses that have N extra computers already pre-licensed.
- Each additional computer can then be installed without payment until the number of pre-licensed computers is depleted.
- Bulk licenses are not refundable but can be incremented in small steps (e.g. 10 systems) so there is no need to give the accurate final amount of computers from the start.
- Having multiple computers licensed via the same email address (same person) is only available for permanent licenses (meaning that each additional licensed computer also is permanent unlocked).

Email address changed?

- if the customer can no longer access the old email address then this can be replaced by a new email address.
- This procedure is only available inside the program (not on the website).


- All the above operations do not require a password because the identity of the licensed computer is sufficient proof of identity
- Using a password is however recommended when using bulk license (other users should not be able to see the yet-unused product keys, nor see who the other users are)
- If a bulk mode password is set then this must be provided when changing customer data fields.

Data protection?

- DSS does not store any any data "in the cloud". All bookings and documents (including emails) are stored on your local hard drive.
- You as end-user are solely responsible for making sure this data does not get lost (make regular backups and store these elsewhere).
- You as end-user are solely responsible for making sure this data does not get shared (use system security and virus scanners).

Data lost?

- when losing all content of your computer then the DSS Account program can be downloaded again from our website and the license can be installed again without having to pay again.
- However we can not assist in recovering any of the other data that you locally stored!
- Do not underestimate the danger of this. The likelihood of hardware failure is small the but the implications of losing many years of collected information can be big. Take adequate precautions (meaning you should have a copy).


- The Account program can not be bought, only licensed.
- As a result of this you are not entitled to other use of the program that is agreed in the license. e.g. you are not allowed to ask money from 3th parties for installation or usage of the program!


- DSS is a very small company, meaning that we have no staff to worldwide answer phones or provide online or onsite assistance.
- Like always there is an online community (many people will have had the same problem or question).
- Queries send to us will be answered to the degree possible were possible we will also add each new question and answer (how to do/solve it) to the general FAQ of the questioned feature.

Referral Fee?

- Advertisement has become a costly aspect that requires a serious budget so we appreciate it if customers spread the word in their own circle of friends, colleagues, relatives,...
- The referral fee table in the License Dialog shows the email addresses of the persons you have referred to our website and if they buy the product you get a fee for this that can be used to extend your own temporary license by 6 months or (if you have a permanent license) equivalent payback of 10 euro.
- The new referred customer may not use the 2-week not-satisfied-money-back nor revoke payment (credit card).
- Paybacks beyond the original purchase amount can be used to buy future or other DSS products.
- Partial refund is limited by the payment provider (bank or credit card company) to periods ranging between 180 days and 1 year. If the purchase is longer ago (meaning if the refund is rejected by the payment institution) than the refund will take the form of a credit which can be used for future DSS purchases.
- But note that it is not allowed to refer to potential customers that have not been asked and have agreed to receive the DSS product!
- Referrals are not linked to the purchase (there is no discount at the moment of purchase).
- Referrals are restricted to users (you have to have use DSS product to be able to tell others that it is good).
- Referrals are restricted to new users (not given for installing products on extra computers of the same user, nor for unlicensed users)
- Referral option becomes available 2 weeks after purchase (can not combine full with referral refund)

Commercial usage?

- DSS Account may be used for private and commercial goals, even including keeping accounting of other persons or organisation
- different accounts on the same computer should be kept separate (they are already in separate directories but you should additional also restrict file access such that each person can only see his own data)
- DSS Account is a single user system, multiple users are allowed on the same computer but NOT concurrent.